Danger in Shadow by Tessa Carr
How cute, a romantic suspense that has the author doing everything she can to make me root for the heroine to die.
How cute, a romantic suspense that has the author doing everything she can to make me root for the heroine to die.
The so-called queerest Star Wars show ever looks like it’s made by and for pre-teens.
This one is readable but stale beyond stale.
Ooh, I’m sold on this series.
This one is pretty dumb, but it’s likely more entertaining than the actual Olympics this year!
Is this the final gasp of Star Wars after one too many bodily violations by Disney?
How many times can I cringe hard while reading a story? Sadly, I’m about to find out…
It’s not all dead weight, thankfully.
For a story about a guy torn between Jesus and anus, this one really lacks the Jesus factor.
Meh. Atlas shrugged.