Organ (2023)

Posted by Mrs Giggles on November 4, 2023 in 1 Oogie, Idiot Box Reviews, Series: American Horror Stories

Organ (2023) - American Horror Stories Season 3Main cast: Raúl Castillo (Toby Arcano), Emily Browning (Natessa), Havana Rose Liu (Sasha), Cameron Cowperthwaite (Wyatt), Susan Pourfar (Detective Markham), Jeff Adler (Detective Grant), Drew Moore (Dr Son), Patrick Breen (The Auctioneer), Maria Tucci (Dr Krystal), and Laila Robins (Lee)
Director: Petra Collins

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Oh boy, Organ is a tale of a caricature of a toxic male—you know, womanizing SOB that acts like any argument against his actions is an effort to castrate him or make him into a soyboy, that kind of thing—finally getting his comeuppance at the hands of toxic females.

Toxic females are perfectly fine, though, because woman can’t do any wrong and all that.

I’m not arguing against the premise, mind you. It’s just that every freaking horror or fantasy anthology shows has at least one episode with this plot line, and this one doesn’t offer anything new or interesting.

It feels like the thousandth boring, tired, unimaginative retread of a played out plot line, and I find myself wondering whether this show has completely run out of ideas now and is resorting to imitating the playbook of other, often better, shows out there.

Furthermore, this episode is tonally all over the place. On one hand, it wants me to see Toby as a menace to good women everywhere that need to be taken down. At the same time, he’s also portrayed as a bumbling cartoon character to be mocked and laughed at, which only means I can never take him any seriously as a toxic male specimen. So, which is which?

If anything, making Toby look like a clown only accentuates the horrific cruelty of those plotting against him. This is the classic overblown “Burn down the house with him in it!” treatment that Hollywood loves to apply that ends up making the bad guy look like a victim, and I always feel that the people behind such moves have their heads up their asses too deep to have any self awareness about the story.

Also, the lead actor is excruciating to watch. He mutters his lines like he’s forced to be on the show and would rather be elsewhere, and he’s just ugh all over.

Anyway, this utterly miserable failure of a third season, Halloween special, or whatever the people behind this show want to call these four episodes ends appropriately enough with its worst episode of the four.

Why did these people even waste time and money making these episodes? Contractual obligations? Too bored and have nothing better to do?

If this pathetic excuse of a new season had demonstrated anything, it’s that the whole American Horror Story franchise has sunk rock bottom to such a point that it’s hard to even hate watch these shows. There is absolutely nothing about the four episodes worth taking note of, just amateurish efforts to rehash popular horror tropes like the clowns have taken over the whole production house or something.

Still, there are only four episodes in this “new season”, so at least the pain is over fairly quickly.

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