Murderous Feelings (1985)

Posted by Mrs Giggles on December 15, 2021 in 1 Oogie, Idiot Box Reviews, Series: The Hitchhiker

Murderous Feelings (1985)

Main cast: Franco Nero (Dr Peter Milne), Renee Soutendijk (Sara Kendal), Sonja Smits (Susan Carter), and Cecil Linder (Dr Fischer)
Director: Mai Zetterling

The second season of The Hitchhiker finally ends, and sadly, the best thing I can say about what I have seen so far is Page Fletcher’s cake in the opening credits of every episode. Well, the eye candy in the form of some cute guys is also nice, but on the whole, it has been a mixed bag of sleaze ranging from meh to not that meh.

In Murderous Feelings, psychiatrist Dr Peter Milne has a client, Sara Kendal, who is obviously suffering from severe issues. She keeps dreaming or hallucinating about being stalked and molested by a man in black, and she also has crippling daddy issues. Naturally, our good doctor shags his patient, because sex with a clearly unstable lady that is not responding to medications is always going to end well.

I’m not sure what this episode is about. The bulk of this episode sees Renee Soutendijk wandering around the same hallway, occasionally chased by the man in black that obligingly gropes her and reveals a breast of hers now and then, but folks that tune in expecting the usual hilariously fake sex scenes will be disappointed that there is no such scene here. If this episode were supposed to be a thriller, well, a lot of time is wasted on the main characters talking, mulling around, or in Ms Soutendijk’s scene shrieking and crying, so much so that the “thriller” bit came out of the blue at the last minute for a most unsatisfying denouement.

So why is this colossal waste of time made for, exactly, aside from the obvious need to fill the episode count to make up a single season? The acting is hypnotically horrible in an “Italian movie dubbed into English” way, which means it has offers a pretty big dose of unintentional hilarity now and then, but the plot is a mess, the sexy parts are non-existent, and the thriller parts are equally skimpy.

Maybe this episode is dedicated to people that find the notion of running down hallways most arousing. Well, there are people that like that kind of thing… right?

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