Mummy Daddy (1985)

Posted by Mrs Giggles on January 14, 2023 in 3 Oogies, Idiot Box Reviews, Series: Amazing Stories

Mummy Daddy (1985) - Amazing Stories Season 1Main cast: Tom Harrison (Harold), Bronson Pinchot (Director), Brion James (Willie Joe), Tracey Walter (Ezra), and Larry Hankin (Jubal)
Director: William Dear

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Harold plays the mummy in the movie Mummy’s Kiss, and the costume and make-up all take about 45 minutes with another half an hour to take everything off. In that mummy thing, he can’t speak or move properly, and he can’t eat as well.

Being just the guy that plays the monster, he can’t pull a diva strop act and throw a tantrum when the director tells him to keep the mummy thing on and just have a soda or something during lunch. However, when he hears that his wife has gone into labor, he abandons the set to get to her.

Only, he’s still in that mummy thing, and because he can’t speak or move properly, he is soon mistaken by a bunch of rednecks as the real thing and gets hunted down by them.

Well, Mummy Daddy is supposedly based on Boris Karloff running off to see his wife in a similar circumstance, only Mr Karloff was in the Frankenstein’s Monster costume, but I doubt he had the same experience as poor Harold here.

Anyway, this is a cute episode, providing one can overlook the absurdity of the premise. Tom Harrison sells his role well, and the rest of the cast members are pretty good sports as they play up the comedy. There is also some homage thrown in to the horror classic movies of old.

However, I also feel that this episode goes on for tad too long, as things can become repetitive after a while, and I soon feel like poor Harold’s ordeal just keeps going and going just to pad out the airtime.

So yes, this one can be cute, but it also feels like a one-note gimmick that could have been ended a little sooner.

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