Mister Versatile: Brotherhunks (2023)

Posted by Mrs Giggles on March 6, 2023 in 3 Oogies, Game Reviews, Genre: Visual Novels

Mister Versatile: Brotherhunks (2023)Studio Kosen
Erotic Visual Novel, 2023

oogie 3oogie 3oogie 3

Mister Versatile: Brotherhunks is a DLC of the smut game Mister Versatile, and this one is an epilogue to the playthrough in which Mister Versatile picks the Superman-wannabe Captain Crush as his happily ever after.

Well, you decide the story, of course, and this time, Mister Versatile and Captain Crush are getting ready for marriage when they are interrupted by Smash, your hubby-to-be’s estranged brother. Yes, Crush and Smash, let’s just roll with it.

It turns out that Captain Crush’s real mission on Earth is to collect intel on why humans should be eliminated. You see, his people appoint themselves arbiters of balance or something, and if a planet has too much inhabitants that they deem are unworthy to live on that rock, they just destroy those inhabitants.

Your sweetheart has been sending glowing reports on humans back, but clearly they don’t believe him because his estranged brother is now here to see for himself whether or not humanity should be destroyed.

So, you now have three days to prove to him that humans deserve to live. You can play it straight and expose to him the finer sides of humanity, or you could get down on your knees and dive to pound town.

Similar to the previous DLC, this one doesn’t have much of a story, but I appreciate how, if anything, the smut is so everywhere that even the option to train instead of shagging still leads to the latter. However, the smut scenes feel tad less imaginative and more by the numbers this time around, perhaps because the tentacles are far less numerous here.

Here, I have to confess: I give this one an oogie more than I did for the previous DLC because Smash is hot. He has that gorgeous daddy vibe going, his uniform is not absurd like his brother’s, and he has that tsundere act down in such an adorable and cute manner.

It gets to a point where I’m annoyed by the limitations of this game because oh, for a happy ending with Mr Versatile being, er, crushed and smashed by both Smash and Driller. That will be so hot,

Sadly, dumping Captain Crush for Smash yields a sweet kissing scene at the happy ending, but that particular arc makes Mr Versatile come off like such a shallow, fickle man-ho that I actually cringe at the whole thing.

On the other hand, it is possible to get Crush and Smash to make up with the two of them sharing Mr Versatile’s happy bratwurst—no, the brothers don’t go there, people—but sadly, there is no way to make Smash become part of the permanent happy home.

So, why introduce such a hot, hot guy only to make picking up over Captain Crush such an awful—if sexy and filthy—route or make it impossible for Mr Versatile to have two brothers permanently? The whole thing feels like such a missed opportunity. You can’t have Mr Versatile telling Smash, “You want to exterminate us? Well, exterminate my ass first with dick slaps!” without making the latter a keeper!

Anyway, this is a short game, and while it comes with a walkthrough PDF, it won’t take long to go through the game a few times to go through most of the routes.

While I admit it is fun to have Mr Versatile conquer two Superman-wannabes with the power of that awesome bakery shop of his, come on. Surely it’s not too late to tinker with this thing and give Mister Versatile the chance to have both brothers, right? He saved the world, he deserves a reward!

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