Fish Night (2019)

Posted by Mrs Giggles on June 18, 2022 in 3 Oogies, Idiot Box Reviews, Series: Love, Death & Robots

Fish Night 2019Main cast: Kirk Thornton (Old Salesman) and Yuri Lowenthal (Young Salesman)
Director: Damian Nenow

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Two salesmen are driving out in the middle of a desert nowhere when their car breaks down. As they try futilely to fix the car and talk a lot about mumbo-jumbo and feelings, night eventually creeps up on them.

Then, the world around them changes as what seems like ghostly sea life appears around them. The younger guy, that sounds a lot like Yuri Lowenthal, realizes that when he throws off his clothes, they float up as if they were both in an actual ocean, so yay, he takes off everything to go swimming up into the sky.

Oh yes, there is a megalodon, as given away in the poster art, so play the Jaws theme, people.

Don’t get too excited, though, as the megalodon shows up only way, way late into the whole thing. Go watch The Meg if you want that kind of fun.

Fish Party is instead more of a philosophical episode, touching on the possibility that these manifestations of sea life may be ghosts of creatures that have once lived in this place millennia ago, when it was an ocean instead of a desert, and how this may have been tied to how one view life or something like that.

I suppose I can even compare it to the story of Icarus that flies too closely to the sun, given how the personalities of the two salesmen mirror those of Icarus and his father. If that were to be the case, perhaps they are fleeing the terrifying labyrinth of life instead of a literal one, hmm.

Oh, who cares what this episode is trying to say. Its running time is way too short to rouse any thought-provoking questions, although this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, as it also ends before it becomes insufferably pretentious. Just watch it for the visuals and the megalodon showing up at the end to keep things from descending into stupidity.

The whole thing is a surreal acid trip of sorts, and I have to admit that there is a charm to it. After the last two episodes, it’s nice to just sit back, turn off the brain, and see the fish swim by!

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