Faking a Husband by Rosa Swann

Posted by Mrs Giggles on July 3, 2024 in 2 Oogies, Book Reviews, Genre: Fantasy & Sci-fi

Faking a Husband by Rosa SwannEasily Distracted Media, $0.99, ISBN 978-1370765133
Fantasy Romance, 2017

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Well, Rosa Swann’s Faking a Husband doesn’t have werewolves or other shifters, but it’s an Omegaverse thing, which means one of those guys is going to get pregnant. 

Naturally, it’s the whiny, effeminate, sensitive bottom that is going to get knocked up, because what’s the fun in subverting gender stereotypes and having the ripped chad experience morning sickness and aches all over for the next nine months, right?

Aiden, an Alpha, is going to be the only single one at his sister’s upcoming wedding, but fortunately, he is attracted to a damsel dude in distress that comes with a baby. Oh dear, that means that bloke must have had an Alpha mate already, because in this world, nobody apparently has a brat out of wedlock.

Meanwhile, Clay is a flailing, whiny fellow taking care of his infant nephew after his sister vamoosed. He spends all his days crying, lamenting his fate, and sending emails to his sister Haily that addresses her as “HeyHey”. 

I find it hilarious that he wails that his sister is only 18, so he can’t understand why she would just run away like that. Well, she’s knocked up at her age and is clearly unprepared to be a mom at her age, and she has to deal with an older brother that acts like a clingy barnacle and decides from the very beginning how she is going to be a mother no matter what. I can’t blame her from running away if she found the whole thing overwhelming.

Indeed, Clay is overwhelming. This fellow has no personality aside from whiny sour cantaloupe, and I can’t recall when I finish this thing whether he even has a job. All he does every day is, from what I read here, write emails to HeyHeyHeeeeeee-eeee-eey, cry, fuss over the baby, and then sigh in horny neediness over the thought of Aiden, repeat and rinse the next day and the next.

Following this guy is exhausting because he is in the “on” mode all the time when it comes to flailing and getting hysterical. He doesn’t seem broke, so can’t he hire someone to help him care of the baby? Can’t he practice some mindfulness to control his emotions?

No, he’s instead all “EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE!” all the time. 

Fortunately, Aiden is rich, has a successful business, and finds Clay’s inability to stop being a hot mess for even a second sexy so I’ve no doubt they will fall in love and Clay will spend the rest of his life getting all neurotic and whiny while sucking up all oxygen in his vicinity. 

Oh, and Clay is a virgin. Of course. He’s basically the most irritating take on the damsel in distress stereotype, just attach a useless penis between his legs. 

Finally, this is the first part of an ongoing series featuring these two, but I’m so exhausted by Clay’s self-inflicted melodrama in just this thing alone that I’m going to have to bail on this series. Who knows what would happen to my blood pressure if I continued to subject myself to this whiny useless waste of flesh!

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