Episode #1.5 (2022)

Posted by Mrs Giggles on June 18, 2023 in 1 Oogie, Idiot Box Reviews, Series: Harry & Meghan

Episode #1.5 (2022) - Harry & MeghanMain cast: Meghan Markle, Prince Harry, Christopher Bouzy, Afua Hirsch, and David Olusoga
Director: Liz Garbus

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Yes, it’s been a while, but I needed to take a break for a sanity check. Harry & Meghan is one of the most insufferable and excruciating shows I have ever watched. It’s like sitting on shards of glass, pouring acid over the wounds, and then using a hammer to ram the shards deeper.

Episode #1.5 continues their ceaseless whinging and whining, as someone lied to them about the definition of “documentary”.

This time, they drag out their kids and the Sainted Meghan claims that she has always wanted a big family for herself and for her footstool of a husband. That’s why she has been estranged for most of her family members, naturally. Maybe her family members didn’t appease her sense of entitlement enough.

This then segues to these two insufferable gaping rear end orifices’ favorite topic: how the palace crucified Sainted Meghan of the Markle. “I was fed to the wolves,” she insists, while Harry mumbles in agreement because that’s what he is supposed to do or she’d make him go without food for the rest of the day.

Thus it starts again. The same old whining and kvetching about racist Palace people, mean and racist British media, horrible British people that refused to start a bloody revolution to replace the current monarchy with a Meghanarchy, blah blah blah.

These two say the same things that they had been saying over and over to anyone that would focus a camera on them. Even after their claims had been proven wrong with receipts flying all over the place, they still repeat those claims over and over.

They also weave a lovely conspiracy theory about how William, the press, and everyone else are still working together even now to bully Sainted Meghan and this is why they were forced—forced!—to leave the UK.

They need privacy… which is why they cling desperately to any chance to appear in front of a camera.

They have to pay for their security, oh no… which is why receipts were furnished that the taxpayers of UK and later Canada actually paid for it.

Ah, but they tell me: don’t believe the receipts! Everyone is lying because it’s all a conspiracy against her, oh and her husband too, whatever his name is. Believe them, people, because they tell you to!

This entire episode is all about poor, victimized Meghan, so it is very likely that she scripted and even directed this episode. She’s such a poor victim, living in such a huge luxurious mansion even when she calls herself a pariah due to her race and gender, and she deserves our sympathy, money, and attention because she’s a narcissistic twat that can’t fake cry her way out of a paper bag.

The whole thing is a waste of time, with extra pain of having to listen to the dullard voices of these two morons repeating the talking points they had said over and over. Netflix should be ashamed for paying these two to inflict such torture on poor souls such as myself!

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