Episode #1.3 (2022)

Posted by Mrs Giggles on January 1, 2023 in 1 Oogie, Idiot Box Reviews, Series: Harry & Meghan

Episode #1.3 (2022) - Harry & MeghanMain cast: Meghan Markle, Prince Harry, Misan Harriman, Robert Hazell, Afua Hirsch, David Olusoga, Serena Williams, and Abigail Spencer
Director: Liz Garbus

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Episode #1.3 is still all about Saint Meghan of the Markle, which shouldn’t be a surprise as this whole “documentary” is probably her idea in the first place.

They continue the whole racism angle from the previous episode, only this time they show off their narcissistic arse to a hilariously delusional degree. Do you know that all the mean stuff said and written about Meghan and her engagement to Harry is tantamount to racism faced by people of color all over the world? The fact that these two can make such a claim is too tragic to be considered funny.

They also moan about that engagement interview that they did with BBC. I didn’t see it because I have a life, so I can only imagine that it didn’t go as well as these two wanted, because my goodness, they couldn’t stop kvetching about it.

Oh, the BBC peeps made Meghan show off the ring, which is somehow something something racism because it’s totally not normal for people to want to see a princess-to-be’s ring at all.

Meghan also calls the interview a “pre-meditated reality show” and laughs like it’s such a terrible, sad, racist thing, which confuses me because I sincerely doubt any high-profile interview would take place without the questions and responses being weeded and approved by the handlers of the gruesome twosome first. Hence, why is she acting like she’s caught off-guard by how “pre-meditated” the interview was? Also, it’s rich for her to accuse something of being a reality show when she’s hell-bent on making her life a complete 24-hour Big Brother livestream.

In the same breath, Prince Harry talks about how his mother would have loved Meghan, because the two women are so alike, yadda yadda yadda. His voice is a nice kind of ASMR, but sadly, it isn’t good enough to drive me to sleep. I have to witness this sad, sad scene of this overgrown, likely mentally incapacitated in some way buffoon child-man telling the world that his greatest desire is to marry his mother, but since she’s dead, he’s settling for someone that dresses up like Princess Diana instead.

Racism is a big part of this episode, because it’s a convenient excuse to deflect all criticisms of Saint Meghan of the Markle. They take it further this episode by saying the British by nature are cold, snobbish, elitist, so unlike the Americans that are warm, accepting of all races, and more. Oh, and the Commonwealth is a racist thing that should be abolished, because it’s still a form of colonialism, blah blah blah…

Look, I live in a Commonwealth country and believe me when I say Great Britain has no say in whatever the government and the people do here. Sure, there’s the Commonwealth Games, which gives the government a great excuse to launder money and pocket some under the pretense of “establishing sports training facilities”, but aside from that, nobody here gives much thought to Great Britain ever since the Spice Girls phenomena ended.

Maybe Harry and Meghan would know this better and not talk out of their pampered rear ends if they, you know, spent more time getting to know the people they claim to champion instead of making social issues all about themselves.

They further whine about how unfair the media had been to them, while stupidly at the same showing off headlines actually very favorable of Sainted Markle in the very same episode. Do these people actually know what they are complaining about, or are they complaining because that’s all they are good at?

Well, that’s the whole episode in a nutshell. More of the same old complaints that these two have been airing everywhere ever since they got married and became upset that the world didn’t bend over backward to anoint them the chosen ones to worship and love always. The explanation for all of this is that everyone and everything is racist.

In the meantime, we’re three episodes in and there is nothing interesting or new that is shared about these two. No positive or uplifting news or developments, just non-stop bitter complaining and whining. Worst of all is that the whiners are two of the most privileged human beings on earth that are unable to read the room and act like we should all care for their first world problems.

TL;DR: sod off, Harry and Meghan.

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