Directly from My Heart to You (1996)

Posted by Mrs Giggles on June 23, 2020 in 3 Oogies, Idiot Box Reviews, Series: Twisted Tales

Directly from My Heart to You (1996) - Twisted Tales Season 1

Main cast: Kimberley Davies (Betty), Gary Day (Lowell), Simon Westaway (John Berryman), Salvatore Coco (Sav Rocca), Kate Fitzpatrick (Elizabeth Bishop), Caroline Gan (Rita Dove), Grant Piro (Merrill), and Bryan Brown (The Host)
Director: Catherine Millar

Directly from My Heart to You is a different kind of twisted tale compared to the previous two episodes in this series, but it’s still a bit of a mixed bag. This one is also the most superficial episode to date, making it hard for me to do a review of reasonable length for it, heh.

Basically, we have the sultry Kimberley Davies strutting around as the femme fatale assassin Betty as she guns down a series of victims both male and female. Our protagonist is bewilderingly successful, because her modus operandi is to basically walk up to her target, say transparently bizarre things that would make any sane person go into full alert, and then shoot down the target before walking away just like that. She apparently never has to come under even a little fire from the law for leaving dead bodies out in the open like that.

The twist at the end… well, I’ve watched the episode three times and I still am not very sure what that is about. On the other hand, Ms Davies spends all her time in this episode dressed up and acting like a moll who knows that she is worth ten million dollars, so I suspect there are other people who would watch this episode three times for reasons that are completely different from mine. There’s no shame in that, of course, but it does make the episode mostly worth watching for the eye candy.

So, consider this episode a four-oogie one if you are into watching a cold, haughty female assassin dressed to kill in order to kill, heh, and two-oogie if you come here looking for a deeper meaning in the episode only to end up disappointed. Average that out, and I guess that makes Directly from My Heart to You a solid three-oogie whatever.

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