Creep in the Walls (2022)

Posted by Mrs Giggles on August 27, 2023 in 3 Oogies, Idiot Box Reviews, Series: Urban Legend

Creep in the Walls (2022) - Urban Legend Season 1Main cast: Jeremy Jacklin (The Creep), Emily Cole (Robyn), and Nicole Ruse (Hallie)
Director: Cat Hostick

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Creep in the Walls is of course about that story of a man that lives in the vents and crawlspace of a big house. 

By the way, the poster and everywhere else refers to this episode as The Creep in the Walls, but given that the title displayed in the episode itself is minus the “the”, I’d go with the latter. There’s no need to tell me that I have the “wrong” title for this episode, people, because as usual, I am right and you are all wrong, heh.

Anyway, in this one, sisters Robyn and Hallie inherit their late mom’s large but largely neglected home, and they decide to move in to have a look before they decide what to do with it. Guess what they will find in their house!

This episode is not bad at all. The acting is fine and, thanks to the well done lighting as well as camerawork, the episode can bring on the scares. Sure, there are jump scares, but they aren’t overused, so this is good. 

The ending jump scare makes me roll up my eyes, though. Talk about overplaying one’s hand in a gratuitous and amateurish way.

However, it suffers from the same problem as the rest of the episodes in this show: people that are familiar with the urban legend will already have a good idea of what will be waiting at the finish line, so it’s just a matter of waiting to the main characters to catch up.

Given that there isn’t much of a twist here as the episode is almost entirely faithful to the urban legend that it is based on, things can feel anticlimactic when all is revealed. 

Still, it’s an alright, if a rather still unremarkable, episode.

So far, that also describes the entire show to date. Will it knock me off of my feet in its next few remaining episodes? I hope so, but I won’t be holding my breath based on what I have seen up to this point.

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