JMS Books LLC, $0.99
Contemporary Erotica, 2019
If I received a review copy of this one, I may say, hey, it’s not that bad. Sure, it’s super short, but since I got it for free, I could be more magnanimous.
I paid $0.99 for this. Sure, it’s less than a dollar, but remember, I live outside of the US. You have to factor in the currency exchange; I could have had a nice lunch in my part of the neighborhood for the amount of money I plonked down for this thing. It’s pretty amusing how less magnanimous I can be when I shelled out money for this thing.
Controlled is about this guy telling the reader how his hot boyfriend believes that the man is in control, but the narrator is the one who pulls the strings because his partner is panting for his loving so he has him eating – and licking, et cetera – out of the palm of his hand.
That’s it. There is some sex, some interior monologue, but because this one is so short, it is one of those “Why is the author selling this to me?” things. It’s not erotic enough to be a quick fix when one is in the mood, and it is not deep enough to be a study on characters, sexual dynamics, or anything else. There is no room for relationship development, story arcs or anything of that sort. Just hello, in, out, bye.
Sure, it’s readable, everything looks in order, and I don’t see any spelling or grammatical errors… but come on, why isn’t this a free read or bundled together with a dozen other similar intestinal gas, sorry, “flash fiction” as an anthology?
Again, yes, it’s only $0.99. You really get what you pay for in this instance, so make sure you know what you are getting into when you whip out your credit card.