Cold Revenge (1996)

Posted by Mrs Giggles on August 30, 2020 in 3 Oogies, Idiot Box Reviews, Series: Twisted Tales

Cold Revenge (1996) - Twisted Tales Season 1

Main cast: Dee Smart (Judy Raven), Robert Mammone (Steven Ganes), Ken Bromilow (Uncle Billy), and Bryan Brown (The Host)
Director: Daniel Krige

Yes, Cold Revenge originally aired two years before the previous episode, for reasons I can’t even begin to want to find out. Since I’m reviewing the episodes in the order they were made, bear with me and remember that I’m not responsible for this convoluted sequence of air dates!

This episode is definitely not for kids, so once again, it’s back to the quest of whom exactly this series is aimed at. In fact, this may be the most “adult” episode to date, in that it has Judy Ravens hiring an assassin Steven Ganes to kill her own brother. Why and how does she want it… well, that’s what this episode is all about. Meanwhile, someone seems to be on their tail, doing things such as pouring sugar into the tank of Steven’s vehicle. How will all the pieces of the puzzle come together in this story, hmm?

Hmm, Robert Mammone is quite the dish when he is younger. At any rate, for once the cast is decent of a show of this kind, although Dee Smart plays her character a little too obviously as some kind of femme fatale for me not to correctly guess that a twist is incoming. Still, that may not be Ms Smart’s fault as much as it is that of the script, also penned by the director Daniel Krige. This one has mean, bad hitmen, femme fatales, sex, and betrayals, so what’s not to love?

Well, the twist. Thinking back on it, the twist needs quite one too many things to fall into place by coincidence to work. The entire episode falls apart spectacularly once I reflect on the twist, so in a way, I am hard pressed to call this a good episode. Still, it’s easily the best episode to date in this series. Hence, while it can’t qualify as a four-oogie watch, three oogies would seem just right.

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