Kill All Others (2018)
The final episode of this series only proves one thing: leave Philip K Dick’s works alone, damn it!

The final episode of this series only proves one thing: leave Philip K Dick’s works alone, damn it!
Even in the future, high school can be dreadful.
The best episode in this series so far!
It hurts so much when one’s perfect father turns into something alien… literally alien.
The return of Martian Guerre.
This is a watchable episode, but it’s a condensed, simplified Philip K Dick for beginners.
All is great until these people realize that they are doing a single episode, not a miniseries.
Most people say this show is the best Robin Hood adaptation ever. Well, let me see and find out for myself…
Lo and behold, a droid that shows up for like five minutes total in the entire season is here to save the day!
Mandy and Baby walk into a trap… again… and people try to backstab them… again.