Wrath of the Titans (2012)
Why do they keep wasting time and money on such disastrously bad movies?
Why do they keep wasting time and money on such disastrously bad movies?
For a tale of people trying to kill one another, this one is surprisingly bloodless in terms of entertainment value.
Once again, Dwayne Johnson steps in, overtakes, and kills a franchise.
Boring, boring, boring, boring, boring, boring.
Best watched with brain shut down and minimal expectations – it may actually be fun if you do that.
Oh no, acid rain is killing everyone! More importantly, look at Shawn Roberts’s butt!
This is a pleasant surprise: it’s both emotional and suspenseful in a tiny little indie package.
Cast a guy more well known for his shirtless scenes, and then have him “act” with his clothes on. The result is just as you’d expect.
Oh god, everyone involved in this putrid mess has better have a strong word with his or her agent.