Rings (2017)
Samara is so twenty years ago. Why bother beating that dead horse again?
Samara is so twenty years ago. Why bother beating that dead horse again?
This one is still a blast like the previous movie, but it lacks some of the charms of the previous movie too.
Never mess with a grieving widower who knows his guns.
The awkward-looking Asa Butterfield is the only thing that saves it from the one-oogie mire.
A movie about necrophilia being… romantic and spiritual? Believe it.
Oh my goodness, here’s a movie that’s almost pornographic in how it treats its eye candies, firepower, and gratuitous violence.
I actually watched this one back in 2005, but promptly forgot to post a review. Rewatching it again, I can see why.
Watch how Hollywood hams and cheeses up an actual bombing event into some lighter-waving feel-good shlock.
Bye forever, Alice! I was so ready to say goodbye for a while now, anyway.
There is only enough material here to keep me interested for, oh, 30 minutes. Everything after is just boredom in action.