Photographing Fairies (1998)
This is such a beautiful movie so full of feels.

This is such a beautiful movie so full of feels.
This supposedly feminist romantic comedy won’t happen if the heroine didn’t look like Penélope Cruz. So much for that, then.
Greedy people make atrocious sequels to overhyped movies.
Forget all preconceptions about the awfulness of movies based on comics. Blade is one big bad mother… you know.
This is easily one of the most heartwarming shows I’ve seen in a long time. Five oogies!
As a romantic comedy, this one indeed bedazzles like its title would suggest.
This is a dreary movie full of unlikable, dull twits.
Old coot astronauts are off to save the day!
Keanu Reeves is a pretty decent bad guy. That’s about it.
Well, this is one of those few movies that lived up to the hype!