Things You Can Tell Just by Looking at Her (2000)
This heartbreaking, fascinating drama celebrates as much as it deconstructs the many facets of femininity.
This heartbreaking, fascinating drama celebrates as much as it deconstructs the many facets of femininity.
What a boring chick-lit navel-gazing snore.
This dull and dreary teen romantic comedy is inspired by a midsummer’s nightmare, more like.
Let’s see how many uninspired ways there are to kill pretty girls.
This movie hurts to watch, and Joaquin Phoenix is so pretty.
This is so gross, degrading, and reliant on the assumption that a woman will love a man, no matter what an ass he is, just because.
Don’t climb mountains, they are dangerous.
Cancer, dancing, girls full of angst… yes, this one will fit perfectly in Hallmark’s rotation.
A lot of the Rugrats magic is lost in the transition to big screen.
This is what happens when people take a ham like Hannibal Lecter too seriously.