Driven (2001)
The hilarious homoerotic subtext is the only reason to see this hammy cringefest.
The hilarious homoerotic subtext is the only reason to see this hammy cringefest.
Yeah yeah, white men are immoral idiots, black people know how it’s done. Surprise, this is a Chris Rock movie.
Ugh, this one is so annoying. The again, it’s Bridget Jones played by Renée Zellweger – annoying is in the DNA.
Horribly sappy and formulaic, and yet, it’s so easy to enjoy.
The people behind this movie may as well re-titled the movie as “We need your money desperately, we really do!”
Dull and predictable. Maybe Ryan Phillippe should have gone naked for the entire movie to salvage it.
Robert Rodriguez directing a kiddie movie? Are pigs flying now?
This one is pretty fun, but it’s mostly style over substance.
This is animal cruelty.
This one is so artificial and cloying, it’s almost audaciously bad.