The Dark Knight (2008)
Oh, bravo! Bravo! Standing ovation, darling!

Oh, bravo! Bravo! Standing ovation, darling!
This is a far bigger movie than the previous one, but I quite miss the smallness of that other movie. This one feels a little… hollow.
Don’t mess with women whose vaginas have teeth!
This one falls apart and becomes funny for all the wrong reasons fast enough.
This is as hammy as you’d think it is.
This one is alright. Could use more gore and less TV people.
Good execution, and Robert Downey Jr works his role very well. But this flick is shoddy for the most part, unfortunately.
Taking anyway the tranny triumphant elements, this one is actually quite a dud.
The Spanish seems to know how to do that footage found horror thing better.
If you are scared of bad low-budget horror flicks, this one will trigger your phobia.