Balls Out: Gary the Tennis Coach (2009)
Aside from some nice man buns shortly on display, there are not many reasons to watch this unfunny thing.
Aside from some nice man buns shortly on display, there are not many reasons to watch this unfunny thing.
Poor Jason. All he wants to do is to cleanse the world of idiot teens, and he can never fully succeed.
All I want for Halloween this year is Sam.
This is a prequel about things that are already known if you have watched the first movie in the franchise.
Delicious gory, fun, and wicked. What are you waiting for?
The movie adaptation of that book commits the worst crime ever: it is lethally boring.
Oh god. Just don’t watch this, people. Just don’t.
I hate to say this, but the movies are so much more fun at this point.
This one is so bad, it’s so good.
This is a near duplicate of the Spanish movie REC, so it’s kinda pointless.