Eating Out (2004)
How many ways can one cringe at this thing?
How many ways can one cringe at this thing?
This one wants to have its cake and eat it too, hence the romance sends a mixed message.
This one is such a trip alright – one that can cause concussions.
Take away the memes and the gross-out stuff, and there’s some good biting satire here and there.
Dating so many men is so stressful!
I don’t think anyone over 15 can really enjoy this one.
All this much film just to tell me that some people are too dumb to handle open relationships? Sheesh.
Once again, two rich white males want to demonstrate that they are the self-appointed best human beings on earth.
Well, it is is a Disney movie, after all.
That cat is the scariest thing I’ve seen in a while.