King of Fighters (2010)
Oh how shocking, another dreadful, unfaithful adaptation of a video game!
Oh how shocking, another dreadful, unfaithful adaptation of a video game!
Aside from the novelty factor, this B-flick masquerading as an AAA tentpole doesn’t have much depth going for it. All style, baby!
It’s a movie based on a video game that, shockingly enough, isn’t that awful.
So many predators, but so little impact.
This is a fun, entertaining, and only a little pretentious sci-fi action flick.
I didn’t realize how irritating Jay Baruchel’s mug is until now.
It strays hideously from the source material, but the film itself isn’t that bad.
Here’s a fun comic adaptation. Yes, such a thing exists!
So many hot guys in this movie. I need to fan my… face.
Here is an interesting, human Robin Hood, but the movie itself could have been tighter.