The Legend of Tarzan (2016)
The movie is so-so, but they put the wrong guy in the lead role.
The movie is so-so, but they put the wrong guy in the lead role.
Is it too early to declare this one the worst stinker of the year?
This one isn’t as bad as I feared, thank goodness. While it could be better, it’s unexpectedly pleasant and painless to watch.
This movie is the best kind of apology one can give for the dire thing that came before it.
Ugh, why are these studios bending over backwards to give Marvel Studios the crown when it comes to superhero movies?
This is easily one of the most brainless, ridiculous, and yet most entertaining popcorn flicks in a while.
Thor and Not-Natalie-Portman take on Elsa, who just can’t let it go, while four midgets run around kissing for the Rule 34 crowd.
Bella Swan and Thor get together to take down the evil Queen and kill us all with boredom.
The best thing about this movie is Wonder Woman’s throwaway appearance. Everything else is just dreary and plodding.
I don’t recall Superman being this dreary, joyless, and insufferable. Can we have another reboot?