Behold! by Susie Rae
Whatever it is, it doesn’t matter. Just look at it! How can anyone resist?

Whatever it is, it doesn’t matter. Just look at it! How can anyone resist?
Still less terrifying to look at compared to that Disney live-action mermaid thing!
Wait, this is just like the other one, only with cosmetic changes!
This is baby’s first sci-fi caper plus coordinates 101 all in one.
Unless you collect everything that has Batman on it, you can safely skip this one.
You’re back as some mage to take down a guy that has been far more productive than you.
Can you stop the sequel trilogy from ever happening?
Playing a kid in a war is always fun. Right?
A supersized edition, a supersized dose of weird hippie gobbledygook!
Surely there are better ways to cavort with the Outer Gods.