Marrying the Royal Marine by Carla Kelly
I like this one, but I think the sameness of the author’s formula is starting to get to me in a not-so-good way.
I like this one, but I think the sameness of the author’s formula is starting to get to me in a not-so-good way.
The spy hero is a colossal idiot. So no, this one doesn’t work.
Another knockout winner to add to the author’s impressive track record. This one is just too easy to love.
Good: characters that are not the usual stereotypes. Not so good: too much silly bickering and bratty antics.
Reading this one, the phrase “going through the motion” comes to mind.
This one can be pretty bad, but it has its share of campy appeal.
I’ve read better books by this author, but still, this one can still pack a wallop of fun.
This book awakens my inner Tim Rice.
Asshole hero, idiot heroine. Another day, business as usual, for this author.
This one doesn’t make much sense, just go with the flow and stop thinking…