Scandalous Desires by Elizabeth Hoyt
I think it is time the author and myself take a break from one another. Shame – she used to be so much better than this.

I think it is time the author and myself take a break from one another. Shame – she used to be so much better than this.
This one is a collection of shorter stories that resembled watered down versions of the author’s better books.
The hero’s alright. The rest of the story seems to have been written in a hurry.
The first half is dumb, the second is alright but feels like it belongs to a different book.
Is it just me or are the author’s book titles starting to become an indistinguishable blur?
Wait, what does that title even mean?
The heroine lets the hero get away with his nonsense a little too easily, if you ask me.
Oh dear, even this author is not immune to overusing too many clichés in a single story.
I can understand completely why the hero’s late wife will cheat on him, and that’s troubling.
Well, things don’t come together quite well here. Kinda messy.