The Way to a Duke’s Heart by Caroline Linden
My doubts about the heroine aside, this one is an adorable winner.
My doubts about the heroine aside, this one is an adorable winner.
This interracial post-World War 1 romance falls into the trap of making the black guy a saint and everything else just so sickly sweet.
All the boring Highland romance clichés your $7.99 can buy!
The author returns with a powerful, emotional romance that hits the heart hard.
So how did we arrive from the author’s previous solid book to… this? What happened?
While this one is more fluffy than feely, it is nonetheless capable of making an indelible impression.
This rip-off is an advertisement for the authors’ full length books.
The hero has better chemistry with the heroine when he thinks that she is a guy. Hmm.
The heroine and the ridiculous humor save what would have been an otherwise absurd tale.
The heroine is spectacularly stupid here, and it’s a trainwreck.