Not Proper Enough by Carolyn Jewel
Interesting premise, but the main conflict just stretches on and on, turning the heroine into an unreasonable weirdo.
Interesting premise, but the main conflict just stretches on and on, turning the heroine into an unreasonable weirdo.
The unusual premise alone is well worth a look. Everything else is cherry on top.
Warning: this is another story where the supposedly capable heroine makes novice mistakes.
The two main characters here need to get over themselves STAT.
Ugh, this is a hot mess with the added bonus of a complete moron of a hero.
Ultimately, this one is too short to be anything but a throwaway read.
My doubts about the heroine aside, this one is an adorable winner.
This interracial post-World War 1 romance falls into the trap of making the black guy a saint and everything else just so sickly sweet.
All the boring Highland romance clichés your $7.99 can buy!
The author returns with a powerful, emotional romance that hits the heart hard.