The Devil of Clan Sinclair by Karen Ranney
It breaks my heart to do this, but the author has completely lost it here.
It breaks my heart to do this, but the author has completely lost it here.
The whole thing is absolutely pointless, even as a promo.
I’ve read this many times before, so color me indifferent to the whole thing.
They spelled “generic” wrong in the book title.
The author turns down the angst for fun, fun, and fun, and the result is all Rebecca Black adorable.
Hey, look who’s back. And this is how you make a splash on your comeback.
There is a bit too much happening here, but the story can still hit hard where it hurts.
We have all heard the story before, but the author manages to keep things fresh here.
This whole thing is a mess. An entertaining mess, yes, but still a mess.
If you like women who spend a whole life waiting for her “true love”, while the true love went away to have a life, read this one.