The Bride Insists by Jane Ashford
Why write about alcoholism only to resolve it unrealistically?

Why write about alcoholism only to resolve it unrealistically?
A short story that hits the spot – nice!
The plot needs characters and twists that have to stray outside the formula. Not that there is any chance of that happening here, so…
This one defies the idea of fun and embraces terminal boredom. Yawn.
Magic happens when a lady inherits a castle.
Despite some too-convenient resolutions, this one is packed to the brim with angst and feels – just the way I love them.
I like this one, but it works better as a mystery than romance.
All equations point to blah.
From hot mess to hot crap mess. Will the author ever recover?
This is a sequel to the perfect romance, in my opinion, a sequel I never asked for.