The Harlot Countess by Joanna Shupe
Another story where the hero thinks the heroine is a whore, and the heroine can’t wait to put out to him.

Another story where the hero thinks the heroine is a whore, and the heroine can’t wait to put out to him.
Fake courtesan. Cruel worthless hero. Imbecile doormat heroine. And then, add in idiot plot.
Things start out great in this seafaring romance, only to then go on and on and on and on and on…
This one is pleasant enough, but maybe I should have read something more… exciting?
This one starts out very promising, but it soon turns out to be like every other (snort).
The author spent too much time on not-so-important matters of the heart here.
I don’t know about rebelling, but I am LIVING for this baby.
The author seems more interested in having her characters be sarcastic and acerbic than in telling a believable story.
Please tell me this is a horrific Jane Austen fanfiction written by a 13-year old that accidentally got published.
You know what kills me about this book? Not being able to give it five oogies.