Dreaming of a Western Christmas by Lynna Banning, Kelly Boyce, and Carol Arens
Two stories are just ho hum, but one story is easily one of the most perfect Christmas reads I’ve come across.
Two stories are just ho hum, but one story is easily one of the most perfect Christmas reads I’ve come across.
Girl on girl can be so hot… hey, who dragged that dude into the picture? Get him out!
Another story where the epiphany involves the heroine realizing what a dumbass she is. Scary thing is: her boyfriend’s dumber.
Idiot heroine goes on a road trip to discover the truth about herself: she is an idiot. You have to read this gripping story!
Four authors show how played-out historical romance tropes can be.
Romances with native Americans can be a gamble, but this one isn’t bad. Isn’t great either, but hey, I’d live.
A story of a second-time romance… but nobody is really blaming anybody! Shocking, isn’t it?
He’s a cold-hearted rake! Look into his eyes! Ooh… those eyes… I’m feeling sleepy…
Now I remember why I don’t like kids. Sneaky little bastards, all of them.
This is the story your Christmas needs. Keep alcohol close, though, just in case.