That Scandalous Evening by Christina Dodd
The entire story is built around a groveling scene at the climax, and my god, what a magnificent life-changing grovel it is!
The entire story is built around a groveling scene at the climax, and my god, what a magnificent life-changing grovel it is!
While admittedly well written, this is one story everyone has read many, many times before.
The characters are so much more entertaining when they are apart and writing letters to one another. Put them together, and meh happens.
Two thumbs up to one of the funniest, sweetest stories I’ve ever read!
Buying this book is the biggest folly of them all, unless you want to laugh at the author’s expense.
Thee bore I.
This one tries too hard to pass of cutesy sentimental moments as substance.
And it was going on so well until the last few chapters. Why, Susan Wiggs – why?
This book is alright, but the hero’s incessant pity party is irritating.
Can the hero become any more of an Eeyore? He’s such a drag.