Brave New Earl by Jane Ashford
Horrid heroes, imbecile heroines, brats from hell… this one is the very embodiment of agony and despair.
Horrid heroes, imbecile heroines, brats from hell… this one is the very embodiment of agony and despair.
Is this Julia Quinn’s not-so-subtle attempt to tell Disney that they too can turn her books into cartoons?
Well, it makes a little bit more sense than the author’s previous book, but no, she still doesn’t give me a reason to care about the story.
There’s a great heroine in the making here, but for some reason the author sticks her into a story that doesn’t capitalize on her uniqueness.
The hypocrisy of the romance genre never fails to both befuddle and exasperate me.
They spelled “Magnificent” wrong in that title, hmm.
I… this one… you know what, I’m just going to sit back, don’t think, and LOL.
The greatest sin of all is the inability of the author to make me care for the hero’s billowing, great big angst of all angst.
This one is a four-oogie read for its first few chapters, and then things go downhill with rapid speed.
Curious how no social justice heifer has called for the author’s head yet, given that she is appropriating historical gay oppression for profit.