Frontier Woman by Joan Johnston
Remember those good old days when romance heroines are complete idiots that need constant rescuing?

Remember those good old days when romance heroines are complete idiots that need constant rescuing?
Cuban loser dude can’t choose between two women – what a terrible, terrible dilemma!
We are back at sea, so here comes the fun again!
This one is pleasant, rather unexciting… but then again, it is the ninth book in the series.
The heroine is certifiable.
Nothing new here, but nothing objectionable here too.
Hot, sexy, and steamy just like the title warned me, this one is just what the doctor insisted on.
Two really dumb main characters who are so dumb that they are actually good to laugh at.
This one has strong strengths and flaws. It’s hard to come up with a conclusive verdict, so… three oogies?
The cretin in this one sets a new low for heroine dumbassery.