Duchess by Design by Maya Rodale
And Maya Rodale continues to be a romantic humorist who keeps missing the point. Sigh.
And Maya Rodale continues to be a romantic humorist who keeps missing the point. Sigh.
Manic pixie stalker creeper dream girl on the prowl alert.
Yes, ditch the more interesting mistress and give the hero a clueless ninny to shack up with instead. That always goes well.
What an odd title. It’s not like the duke will love a moose, is he?
Did someone say “awaken”?
The butler did it. It and the young earl too.
A two-oogie review on Christmas Day. Look what she made me do.
The fun is as intense as the title is long.
Some good feels are to be had here, but I’ve seen this movie already on those weepie channels.
How lovely, here’s a story super-powered by the heroine’s rampant stupidity. Viva la amour!