Dream Island by Josie Litton
Oh, the scenery. What, there is a plot in this one?
Oh, the scenery. What, there is a plot in this one?
The story almost works, but it soon gets bogged down by its own singularly repetitive “conflict”.
Yes, let’s revisit the turds that should have been left hidden away for all time.
This one is far more invested in selling past and future books than to tell a story.
Why write a May-December romance if the author makes it such a joyless one?
Oh god, I really this one, despite how absurd and superficial it can get at times.
Not the best, not the worst, just right in the middle.
The author churns out a tale so boring that one has to prop open the eyelids with toothpicks.
This one is actually pretty good, but is eventually killed by its blatant double standards.
The sequel is just slightly better. Sigh.