Infamous by Virginia Henley
While this is by no means a great book, the heroine is a much-welcome tall glass of water.
While this is by no means a great book, the heroine is a much-welcome tall glass of water.
The Great Camelot Adultery Tragedy is given a fresh new spin: Guinevere is annoying brat as much as a faithless hag!
Finally. a vastly enjoyable book from the author! It’s been a while.
It’s all about catching up with the characters you love. Don’t expect a great story here.
Same old story: great humor, but the plot is all over the place.
This feels like a book written because of contractual obligations: rushed and poorly developed.
Not even close to being my favorite. Off with its head!
Good lord, another imbecile heroine. Is this going to be a pattern?
The main characters are meh enough to hold this story back from being a much better read.
The author’s books are easier to swallow if we stop considering her as any kind of decent author.