Rules for Being a Mistress by Tamara Lejeune
An annoying heroine and a horrible swathe of head-hopping.
An annoying heroine and a horrible swathe of head-hopping.
The main characters are the saving grace in this messy story.
When the author is on a roll, everything just works like a charm.
The author must have really wished she’d written a musical or something.
This ain’t bad, but I think it’s vastly overrated.
Once again, the fascinating history threatens to eclipse the story.
The author’s reliance on dumb heroines in her stories is starting to make me feel a headache coming on.
Considering who the author is, of course the heroine is useless and pathetic.
A seafaring romance that is fun in so many ways? Give me my ticket!
The author’s clunky, dull narrative bog things down considerably.