Dark & Disorderly by Bernita Harris
This one is more amusing than anything else. Good for a chuckle or two, but not so much for an actual story.
This one is more amusing than anything else. Good for a chuckle or two, but not so much for an actual story.
Firemen have big hoses. Woo-woo firemen, even bigger.
Surprisingly, despite my reservations, this one actually hits as hard as the first book in the series.
An underdeveloped succubus story – an acquired taste, perhaps?
This one gets lots of love for its ideas and atmosphere, but it’s so slow and nothing really happens at the same time.
Mood: ambivalent.
The author is jumping on the werewolf bandwagon a little behind the pack. Everything here’s been done before!
Talk about uninteresting gibberish…
Much credit is given to the author for coming up with a different, even daring, kind of urban fantasy series.
This is a really cute satire of vampire young adult stories that still manages to kick ass in its own right.