Zombie Love by Suzan Harden
This series is still stuck on Planet Blah at this point. Shame, as zombies need love too.

This series is still stuck on Planet Blah at this point. Shame, as zombies need love too.
If romance authors are dead set on making tyrants and literal demons woobies with tortured soul, it will happen, logic and common sense be damned.
A great demon-infested setting, and the author can still screw that up. Sigh.
Oh rejoice, this is one rare Pathfinder Tales book that does not make me cringe!
This one may have been better if it had been a straight-up contemporary romp.
The question of who really wrote this one is more interesting than the story itself.
There are no vampires in sight, and the ghosts can’t make up for the bland main characters.
Wow, this one is a brain-cell killer!
Wait, Mary Sue were-panther is really a thing now?
Woo-woo heroine does the PI thing. Love triangles, sassy heroine, et cetera – the usual.