The Dragon Stirs by Lynda Aicher
The dragon turns out to be a very predictable samey thing.
The dragon turns out to be a very predictable samey thing.
This one feels like every other rote fantasy story, complete with random filler combat encounters.
Just when the author’s books all seem to be disappointments in motion, this one manages to delight.
A series that started out as a playful twist on the mate-mate-mate thing is now official the very thing it shouldn’t be.
Yikes, what’s with all these lawful stupid people? And they’re supposed to be the good guys!
Immortal weenie king wants love, that poor thing.
This setting is interesting (MMORPG!) but the romance can be a disappointing cliché.
It’s the same old Markhat… maybe a bit too much of the same, as I am wishing for things to be less familiar by now.
A redemption story that doesn’t really deliver a redemption – oh dear.