Weremones by Buffi BeCraft-Woodall
Being interesting and sensible isn’t its greatest strength, that’s for sure.
This one is so edgy, the words on the screen may just leap out and cut you up.
That ain’t a fun story either, sweetheart.
Yay. the first TBR Review Challenge of 2019! Now, about the story…
Here’s a time travel story that bowls over Teddypig, who normally prefers things that are more down to earth.
Oh sweet, sweet sainted blossoms, this one is like those old-school Disney cartoons put into words.
Homo-bore-ya should be a hate crime.
Satan becomes a prostitute and ruins many underage girls’ Christmas. Thanks, God, for sending him down to Earth!
It’s time for one Mary Sue to hand the torch to another Mary Sue.