The Promise by Donna Boyd
Hmm, the sequel doesn’t live up to the, er, promise of the previous book.
Hmm, the sequel doesn’t live up to the, er, promise of the previous book.
A ghost and a man can make such sweet passionate love together, ooh.
The secondary characters completely upstaged the main characters, those poor things.
This is a boring motivational seminar. Can I go home now?
I wish the author knows what to do with her premise and characters. So far she’s not doing them any favors.
Good girl loves bad boy. Same old stuff, but this one works very well nonetheless.
Unlike the dour fairy tale of the same name, this one is more humorous and entertaining.
This one doesn’t leave much of an impression, hmm.
There is a good time travel romance here, but the characters seem to lack that special chemistry.
When did vampires become such pansies? Sigh.