Out of the Blue by Katherine Deauxville
Oh, oddball space comedy! I like. The romance is dumb, but who cares, this is fun!
Oh, oddball space comedy! I like. The romance is dumb, but who cares, this is fun!
Hilariously creepy for all the wrong reasons.
More same old stuff, wrapped in woo woo stuff.
I’m still seeking a good reason to read this book.
It’s the same old stuff, really, but the scenery is exquisite.
Yours, and boring.
Let’s revisit one of the first werewolf romances to the hit the market back in 1994. It’s a bit dated in some aspects, but still.
So many promises remain unfulfilled here, alas.
Dumb fairy queen and dumb brute hero in a dumb-dumb story. Snore.
Before Dara Joy, there was Marilyn Campbell.