Hidden Heiress by Amanda Scott
The heroine’s brainpower is hidden.
The heroine’s brainpower is hidden.
$7.99 for a very average anthology? No, thanks.
Oh, this one is so cheesy, it’s almost… Swiss. A cheap knockoff of one, that is,
This story muddles its way worse than the ghosts in it.
Everyone’s weird and dumb here, it’s hard to believe that it’s supposed to be a little bit serious.
This is a parody gone wrong. In other words, a bumbling misfire.
Hailed as some sci-fi wunderkind of the year, this one is set up to fail.
Is cheesy barbarian caper still in fashion?
The hero is such a tosser that the entire story sinks as a result.
It’s a dismaying realization by magic still can’t keep the formulaic stuff away.