The Smoke Thief by Shana Abé
It’s the start of a new series… and soon devolves into a mate-mate-mate cliché.
It’s the start of a new series… and soon devolves into a mate-mate-mate cliché.
The book that launched a thousand sparkly bandwagons, and the epitome of mediocrity.
How is it like to be shackled to a randy old goat of a god?
Ooh, behold all these brooding, melodramatic wet blanket vampires wanting your love!
On paper, this whole thing sounds bad, but upon reading it, I find myself inexplicably charmed.
The author’s big time big publisher debut is a bit of a mess.
This is something so fun and different, you won’t get it out of your mind for some time.
The title is the only thing worth reading when it comes to this dreadfully unfunny bore.
Interesting characters, solid storytelling – this is one intriguing debut effort.
The ambition is a big bigger than the execution, but I give this one an alright.