Half Moon Rising by Margo Lukas
This one is definitely rough around the edges, but there is something about it that is very engaging.
This one is definitely rough around the edges, but there is something about it that is very engaging.
Meet Kate Daniels. She’s a bit on the generic urban fantasy heroine type, but her story is pretty fun.
Oh, this has to be a joke. Right?
New book, new boos.
Wait, the author wants to get her groove into the romance genre now?
The setting is fun, but the story never truly comes to life.
Succubi seems to be the in thing at the moment, but this one flies higher above the rest.
How do you like names like C’harles and D’arwin? You’ll get a lot of that here!
The cover is lovely but the story is a doozy.
So many characters, so few reasons to care.