Nut Cream by Jade Buchanan
Don’t get too excited over the title. This one is pretty limpid.
Don’t get too excited over the title. This one is pretty limpid.
Well, that goes downhill pretty fast.
It took three authors to come up with a story this dumb? Imagine that.
Oh god, the stupid and homophobic premise of the series. What year is this? 1997?
The hero is a dream, but the heroine can go drown in a tub of swill and die.
Ooh, a mysterious resort in the middle of nowhere! No, not suspicious at all.
This is a pleasant read, but I’m more mesmerized by the chest on the cover.
Romeo and Juliet deal with reincarnation, cybersex, and other fun what-the-hell nonsense.
This one is too superficial to be memorable.
The setting is far more interesting than the story, hmm.