Kiss of Fire by Deborah Cooke
There are dragons here, but the story is still the same old mate-mate-mate-mate stuff.

There are dragons here, but the story is still the same old mate-mate-mate-mate stuff.
Let this one be lost forever.
This one has some issues, but still, an interesting start of a romantic werewolf series. It doesn’t have that icky mate-mate-mate stuff, for a start.
There is a very interesting plot here, but the execution is just average and doesn’t do the premise justice.
There are some good ideas here, but the author would rather rush out another book to rake in the royalties. Sigh.
The tough chick once again saves the day… and the series. For now.
Readable, but forgettable.
This irreverent, tongue-in-cheek fun story brings all the cute ha-ha-ha’s.
Selkie vampires. Good lord.
This one makes little sense, except as the author’s personal fanfiction of herself and her crush.